Editorial Policy

Replication and Extension of Results

DIEM expects from authors the highest standards of integrity in research. Papers submitted to DIEM should include enough information to allow a reasonably qualified researcher to replicate the results. DIEM requires that authors of manuscripts submitted share additional details of their research when requested by the Editor. In addition, during the review process the Editor may request additional materials – including data.

Protecting Intellectual Property

DIEM is committed to the protection of intellectual property. Protecting intellectual property is a responsibility of the Reviewer and the Editor. When materials are requested during the review period, they will be subject to the double-blind peer-review process in order to maintain author anonymity. Reviewers will not use ideas from or show another person the manuscript they have been asked to review without the explicit permission of the manuscript’s author, obtained through the journal Editor.

Misrepresentation of Data

DIEM expects all submissions to include data that are honestly and correctly reported according to the best practices of publishing.

Simultaneous Reviews

DIEM policy prohibits that an article under review at DIEM is simultaneously reviewed at another journal without prior discussion with and written permission from the Editor.


DIEM requires that all submissions follow the highest ethical standards and best practices in publishing. All writing and research submitted to DIEM is expected to present accurate information and to properly cite all content referenced from other papers. It is also unacceptable to submit manuscripts to DIEM which have previously been published anywhere in any language.

Processing and Submission Charges

Journal does not charge article processing charges (APC). The authors are not charged by the journal for the cost of receiving, reviewing and publishing papers.